52+: Inspiration from Mrs. Pollifax

Maybe a year ago, a good friend recommended I check out the Mrs. Pollifax series of books by Dorothy Gilman. Since her past recommendations have served me well, I didn’t bother to ask what it was about, I just added the first, The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, to my long list of books to read some day.


Mrs. Pollifax is a widow in her 60s who spends a lot of her time volunteering and being very sensible, “too sensible, perhaps”. When she goes for her annual checkup, her doctor remarks that she is in fine physical health, but she seems to have lost a bit of her glow. He asks, “Isn’t there something you’ve always longed to do, something you’ve never had either the time or freedom for until now?” And she answers…

“When I was growing up—oh, for years—I planned to become a spy.” *

Of course, this is ridiculous, and everyone has a good laugh over it. But her spontaneous answer sticks with her. As she heads home, she takes into account how unused and purposeless she has felt, for far too long. So she decides to do something unexpected.

I think you can understand how I was completely hooked. Let’s see, a woman in middle-age who feels there must be more to life asks some big questions, takes some crazy risks, puts herself out into the world to try things she’s never before imagined for herself, and finds her new self. (One might say she nudges herself.) The adventure that follows is thrilling, humorous, and touching.

Although the story is a bit dated (first published in 1966), the sentiments ring true today. If you are looking for something absolutely delightful to read, I encourage you to check this out. Maybe it will inspire you to do something unexpected.


*This isn’t really a spoiler, as this line is from page 3.

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