Nudged: Say “yes” to something new

Backstory: When I was putting together The List, I almost pulled this nudge off. It feels kinda vague. But on final review, I kept it because it forces me to be in the moment, to be open to whatever may come.

Will I be invited to a social event that feels outside my comfort (or fashion) zone? Will I see an opening in a class that’s just a little outside my (financial or intellectual) reach? Will I get an opportunity to experiment on something that’s always looked like fun but had me doubting my ability to even try?

We’ll find out! 🙂

Have fun with this! If you need inspiration, check out Shonda Rhimes’ book Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person.

What Happened: Well, I’d hoped this would be a little more exciting. Something BIG and DRAMATIC! Like an invitation to attend the Oscars. (It could happen.) I started the week feeling open, waiting with great anticipation to see what would be presented to me for consideration. Here’s what I ended up saying “yes” to:

Letting go of a prized possession. Many years ago a dear friend gave me a cookbook signed by Julia Child. The Julia Child! Upon receiving it, I gently leafed through the pages, imagining the fabulous gourmet meals I’d make. Then I thought about how I could artfully display the book, signed page open, in one of those box frames so everyone who joined me in my kitchen could delight in it. Instead, I wrapped it up and put it safely in a storage box…for eight years. Earlier this year I reached out to a couple of collectors, and this week I followed up with one of them, who offered me a fair price. It wasn’t thousands or even hundreds of dollars, but it was enough. And I feel good knowing it will end up in the hands of someone who will fully appreciate and enjoy it.

Hanging out at a mommy ‘n’ me playroom. I know many of you are scratching your heads, wondering what the big deal is. For a childless-not-by-choice woman like me, it’s huge. It’s triggering. It represents so much of what I wanted in life and didn’t get. But a dear friend and I were scheduled to catch up and her babysitter cancelled at the last minute. “Would you be up for meeting at…?” she asked. I swallowed my initial impulse to reschedule (or to offer to pay the sitter double) and–remembering this nudge–said “Sure. Yes!” And you know what, it was fine. I enjoyed our time together and I didn’t end up in a puddle of loss after. So, got to spend time with my friend and I got to acknowledge how much I have moved forward in my life. Oh, and I paid for our lunch with some of the money I got for the cookbook. I think Julia would have approved. 🙂

Finally, I sucked up all my courage and took an assessment test for French lessons. I have been talking for years about how I’d love to get back into taking classes, but the timing hasn’t felt right. This afternoon, between a couple of client projects, I went online and took their placement test. I was a pretty good student back in the day, and I managed to get us around France several years ago, so I skipped the first couple of levels and got down to it…and promptly failed the first question. Mon Dieu! But I persisted and managed to get beyond Beginner Level 1. Va bien! Inspired, I checked out the schedule of upcoming classes, looked at the costs, and even mapped out my transportation. I don’t have the time or money to sign up tonight, but I have the information, so now I can get down to the business of manifesting making this happen.

The Ah-Hahs: Maybe this nudge wasn’t “BIG and DRAMATIC,” but it ended up being FUN. I think the key for me was “I started the week feeling open.” Kinda excited to see what next week presents to me for consideration.


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