Backstory: I’ve been doing this for a while, reaching out to writers I love and thanking them for sharing their stories, their gifts with me. What’s been really fun is every single one of the people I wrote to–even people with big names and intimidating presences–replied to thank me for writing to them! I know what it’s like to be a lone woman with a computer, who works hard to create something beautiful and hopes–but rarely finds out–if her work has made any kind of difference. It feels good to feel appreciated.
But this nudge not about hoping to get something back. It’s simple gratitude. What was my favorite read of the year? I can look up the author’s website (or maybe find them on goodreads) and send a quick note via email. Which band’s CD has lifted my spirits during long commutes? Did I see some art recently that blew my mind?
Acknowledge. Appreciate. Celebrate! And bonus points to anyone who sends a handwritten note. 🙂
What Happened: It’s a busy week, so I got on this. I thought about who had lifted my spirits recently with their creativity, and the team at the The Great Dickens Christmas Fair came to mind. This is an annual event held in San Francisco where people dress up in Victorian-era costumes and transform a huge warehouse into the streets of London circa 1843. There are shows and shops and meat pies and mulled spice wine! Artisans, actors, musicians, and characters abound and entertain. You can even visit a club dining room and listen to Mr. Dickens himself read excerpts from his latest work, A Christmas Carol. It is delightful, and I am completely de-hum-bugged as soon as I step out of my “real” world and into theirs.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert greet their subjects at The Great Dickens Christmas Fair.
And so, with a short email to the head office, I thanked them.
The Ah-Hahs: No great revelation on this nudge. Just lots of warm fuzzies.
Happy New Year!