Tag Archives: 52Nudges 2.0

Nudged: Go through one bookshelf

Backstory: Hello! And welcome to 52Nudges 2.0! Today is #1 of 52 nudges, and I’m excited to jump in. Thank you for joining me!

The process is simple: Each Sunday around noon, I draw at random a task/challenge from The List. (Read all the possibilities and see the bowl in this post from last week.) In the following days, I do my best to complete the task, while taking note of what the process reveals for me. My intention is to nudge myself out of my old routines, discover who I am and who I am becoming, and open myself up to new experiences and opportunities.

This morning I drew: Go through one bookshelf. I’m going to pick one (probably one in my office), pull everything out, dust and polish the actual shelf, then consider what I want to replace. Maybe I’ll discover a lost “treasure” hidden behind the clutter, or maybe I’ll decide to toss/share/recycle what’s there and fill the space with something new that feels more authentically me.

Bookshelves all in order? Then you might rearrange the stuff on top of your desk or go through the old packets of seeds in the gardening shed or face the very scary “junk drawer”. Let me know what you find!

What Happened: As I considered which shelf to clear, I was repeatedly drawn to one that has housed–for years–several binders of research, brainstorms, and notes for one client. A client that I have sensed for some time is no longer a fit for me. I have needed to cut the ties, but have hesitated. I know the work, so it’s easy to do. I want to be a helpful, especially when my primary contact at the company calls for a favor.

As I looked at the full shelf, I realized I was looking at the past. And right now, I want to be looking forward to my future, whatever that might be. So…. I pulled everything out and started shredding.

After I dusted and polished, I left the shelf open for a couple of days while I thought about what I might want to go there. Finally I filled it with workbooks, flashcards, and reference books from when I took lessons in French. I should mention that these materials have sat neglected in a tote bag, in a corner of my office, for like 10 years. Now they are front and center again. Now, when I look at that shelf, I hope to be inspired and motivated to do something with them.

The Ah-Hahs: In preparation for this round of nudges, I took a look at things I loved to do as a kid and younger adult, as well as things I would love to try or do more often. Get back to learning French has long held a place on my personal to do list. Classes are not in my budget at this moment, but some day. Meanwhile, I can dip my toe in with the flashcards or by doing an exercise in my old workbooks once in a while. I’m excited about this.

The other ah-hah came while shredding. While the tendency was to dwell in the “loss” of the old client, I chose to shift my attitude and give thanks. I thought about the incredible work I was fortunate to do. I recalled how it felt to be part of a thriving, truly creative collaboration. I felt tremendous gratitude for the enduring friendships I gained over the years. I felt good and light as a result, feeling I had decluttered not only stuff, but negative emotions.

And now I have space into which something new can come.


Nudging: Go through one bookshelf

Backstory: Hello! And welcome to 52Nudges 2.0! Today is #1 of 52 nudges, and I’m excited to jump in. Thank you for joining me!

The process is simple: Each Sunday around noon, I draw at random a task/challenge from The List. (Read all the possibilities and see the bowl in this post from last week.) In the following days, I do my best to complete the task, while taking note of what the process reveals for me. My intention is to nudge myself out of my old routines, discover who I am and who I am becoming, and open myself up to new experiences and opportunities.

This morning I drew: Go through one bookshelf. I’m going to pick one (probably one in my office), pull everything out, dust and polish the actual shelf, then consider what I want to replace. Maybe I’ll discover a lost “treasure” hidden behind the clutter, or maybe I’ll decide to toss/share/recycle what’s there and fill the space with something new that feels more authentically me.

Bookshelves all in order? Then you might rearrange the stuff on top of your desk or go through the old packets of seeds in the gardening shed or face the very scary “junk drawer”. Let me know what you find!

Nudging: Finalize The List 2.0

Backstory: We’re almost there! For the past few weeks I’ve been doing exercises to come up with nudges. (Scroll back through those posts if you want to do them too.) I have a long list of challenges that encompasses Passion & Play, Creativity, Spiritual Growth, Work, Self-Care, Home Care, and miscellaneous fun stuff.

Now it’s time to cut it down.

This week I’m going to read through my list and consider if each proposed nudge fits the following criteria:

  • Is this something I can do in one week’s time?
  • Is it inexpensive?
  • Does it make me uncomfortable? (It should.)
  • Is it fun? (Most should have some element of fun.)

Mid-week I’ll share my final list so you can see it too. Then I’m going to cut it into strips, wad each strip into a ball, and put those balls in my specially designated bowl.

52Nudges 2.0 starts Sunday, September 8!

It’s never too late to join in. Feel free to do the nudges I pull with me, or simply read along as I go through the process and take inspiration whenever it comes.

If you’d like to create your own list, you’ll find some items for inspiration in the right sidebar.

Finally, if you haven’t already, sign up to automatically receive the posts in your inbox by entering your email address in the Subscribe box above. It’s FREE! I hope you’ll also invite friends to join us in this adventure.


Nudging: Look to books for inspiration

Backstory: I’m getting ready to launch 52Nudges 2.0, and my last task before I finalize The List is to look to some books for inspiration. To find some new nudges, I might pick up books on:

  • Travel
  • Health & Fitness
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Self-Improvement
  • Creativity
  • Financial Planning

Take some time this week to look over your shelf–or wander your public library–and see what comes. If you need ideas, check out the list of resources under “For Inspiration” in the right column of this page.

Then mark your calendar…

52Nudges 2.0 starts Sunday, September 8!


Nudging: Review the Big To Do List

Backstory: I’m getting ready to re-boot my 52Nudges project in the fall, so I’m looking for new Nudges I want to include. Activities that are fun, that nurture my creativity, that feed my spirit, and that…well…just need to get done. If you have been on this journey with me for a while, you also know these tasks need to be things that can be done within one week, that aren’t expensive, and that make me somewhat uncomfortable, thereby nudging me out of old ruts.

So this week I’m pulling up the Big To Do List, a 4-page, 2-columned, constantly growing document that lives on my desktop. Yikes. I’m going to look at all the items I’ve put down over the past year-plus and see what I want to give some extra attention to.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be doing some other exercises to come up with tasks that will go onto my 52Nugdes 2.0 list. I hope you’ll join me in this process as you clarify what you want to put on your list. I’ll be sharing mine, and I hope you’ll share some of yours.

Let’s do this! 🙂