Backstory: I groaned when I read this Nudge, and I almost put it back for my first Pass. This nudge presents at the start of one of the busiest work weeks for me—oh, plus Christmas. Everything on my massive to-do list is a “MUST-DO”, and at a quick glance, everything in there can only be done by me.
My intention to practice more Radical Self-Care is behind this Nudge. When I added it to the List, I set the intention that I would be on the lookout for tasks that suck my time and energy, things I overdo or overthink that ultimately aren’t healthy. I’m not going to drop the ball on taking care of my family, meeting all the tight client deadlines, making sure bills get paid on time, and carve out time for exercise and sleep. At this moment, I honestly don’t know what could be eliminated or delegated, but I am accepting this Nudge and trusting something will come to mind.
What Happened: I mulled this one over throughout Sunday and into Monday. I considered putting off the laundry for a day or two, but then I wouldn’t have clean gym clothes, which means I couldn’t go to the gym, which means I can’t do the exercising that is so important to my well-being. (What was that I said about “overthinking” in the Backstory?)
Mid-morning I got an idea. Instead of heading out for a massive grocery shopping, I would try online ordering and delivery. I haven’t had great luck in the past (the time lettuce was “out of stock” and I had to rush out last minute to another store to get what I needed for that night’s dinner party comes to mind—who runs out of lettuce?!), but maybe everything would fall into place this time. I grabbed my list off the fridge, pulled up the website, and got to work. The ordering part went pretty quickly, and I got a reasonable window for delivery. But then, shortly before delivery I got an email that they were out of two items (and I had requested substitutions!). Fortunately, these were not items I needed right away, but this does mean I’ll have to physically go to the market later this week.

Delegating this task did save me some time, so I’ll call this a win.
Ah-Hahs: Did this save me stress? I’m not really sure how I feel about this nudge, so I allowed myself a little extra time to mull it over. Yes, my choice to hand over this responsibility saved me getting fully dressed and taking time to go to the market and load+unload the car. But some days, the only time I get away from my desk and out of the house is when I run errands like this. (Thanks, COVID.) And I typically enjoy shopping for groceries, seeing what’s in season, getting inspired.
I think what I mostly got out of this is my need to re-stretch my nudging muscles and live into the discomfort that comes when I “give things up” to take better care of myself. This is becoming especially important at work. Do I really have to do it all by myself? What can I delegate? Who can I bring on board my “team”? Is it time to hire a VA?
There are things I can delegate. I just have to get a little creative with it.
Anyone else have an interesting experience with this nudge? Please share in Comments.