Tag Archives: dreams

52+: Inspiration from Alexandra

Have you ever wanted to do something really BIG in your life? An experience that changes all your perspectives, an encounter that opens up new possibilities, an adventure that takes you beyond anything you’ve imagined?

Me too.

While I’m focusing on taking smaller steps through the 52Nudges project, my friend Alexandra Epple has taken a huge step–and many steps–forward as she walks 800 km through Spain on the Camino De Santiago in search of her soul’s calling.

Beautiful Alexandra taking a leap of faith.

And I’m following her. Not literally (though maybe someday I’ll make it there), but through her blog and Facebook posts. I invite you to do the same. Maybe trekking the Camino De Santiago isn’t your dream, but I think we’ll all be inspired to find and pursue our own as we follow Alexandra on her amazing Spirit Journey.


Nudged: Plant something

Backstory: Well, crap. This is clearly a Nudge from the original list, before I did some other Nudges that helped me gain clarity on how much I do not like gardening. Isn’t one of the “rules” of nudging that it has to be “fun”?


But…I have been thinking it would be nice to plant a new rose bush in the backyard, to have fresh cut flowers without having to spend the extra money at the market. And the blueberry bushes are thriving, despite lack of attention, so maybe another one would work. Or a new herb plant for the kitchen window?

I am feeling anti-enthusiastic about this week’s task. But I drew it, so I must do it.

What Happened: I spent much of this week looking for ways to wiggle out of this. I mean, really. I had no desire to go to the garden center, pick something out, and dig in the dirt just to check this off. Maybe I could get “creative” about this one. Maybe I could “plant my feet” into some intention? Maybe I could use my last “pass” and choose another Nudge for the week? (Although by the time I thought of this, much of the week had gone by.) I even considered fudging about completing it, which is 100% in opposition to what this 52Nudges experience is about.

This morning this Nudge continued to hang over my head, taking up mental space as I worked, ran laundry, and tried to distract myself with busyness. I really don’t want to do any gardening. The thought of wandering the garden center for inspiration doesn’t elicit any good feelings from me. But what “seed” might I “plant”?

Ah. Hah.

On my to do list is visiting my oldest friend. After her family moved out of state when I was eight, we became pen pals, and we continue to keep in close touch via letters, emails, and now text messages. We’ve also managed to get together in person several times over the decades. The last visit was for my wedding, coming on eight years ago. I want to see her. I want to spend time in her company. I want to reminisce and catch up and share and dream. I want to do all of this before it’s “too late”.

I don’t know where the money or the time will come from, since both right now are committed to other things. But…I can plant the seeds and make my intention to do this known.

So I called my travel agent and asked her to keep an eye out for screaming deals on airfare.

And I texted my friend and asked her when would be the best times of year to come for a visit.

I don’t know how or when I’ll do this, it might even have to wait till next year, but I feel encouraged that the intention is now in motion.

The Ah-Hahs: That line about “Maybe I could get ‘creative’ about this one.” I just laughed (with delight) at myself. I started out dreading this Nudge, then found a way to have it help me manifest something I really want to do.

How fun and amazing is that?


Nudged: Create a vision board for one goal

Backstory: Oooo, this is a good one! It’s creative, it gets me manifesting, it’s fun!

The idea is to pick one of my goals or dreams—any one—and create something that represents to me what it would feel like to have it be my reality. It is putting the Law of Attraction to work for me.

In the past I’ve clipped images from magazines and pasted them onto a poster board in a collage. (If you’re more artistically gifted than I am, you might draw or paint yours.) The resulting vision board is then placed where I will see it every day.

Got my scissors, got my glue stick…let’s do this!

What Happened: Total bust. Utter defeat. Epic failure!

My pathetically empty vision board

I stared at this Nudge all week and couldn’t do it. First, I couldn’t decide on which goal or dream to manifest. So many, and none jumped out as The Big One I wanted to pursue. Second, I didn’t want to spend money on buying a stack of magazines to cut up, and I couldn’t pull from on any stack of old magazines because I’ve successfully decluttered them all. (So maybe there is one drawback to decluttering.) Or maybe I am just feeling burned out this week.

What’s a gal to do?

Get up. Brush myself off. Take a few deep breaths. Regroup.

In a few hours I’m going to draw a fresh new Nudge from my little bowl and dive into it with renewed courage and conviction.

Meanwhile, I’ve written “Create a vision board for one goal” on a new strip of paper and tossed it back into the mix. (If I draw it later today, I’ll just have to go with it, right?)

How did you do? Were you inspired to create something wild for your vision board? Did you manifest something from it? I’d love to hear about it.

The Ah-Hah: See “Get up. Brush myself off. Take a few breaths. Regroup.” Would add “And repeat.”

Or…maybe I need to hang my blank board somewhere, letting it represent my openness to something I can’t yet envision for myself. Hmmm…interesting.

Nudging: Create a vision board for one goal

Backstory: Oooo, this is a good one! It’s creative, it gets me manifesting, it’s fun!

The idea is to pick one of my goals or dreams—any one—and create something that represents to me what it would feel like to have it be my reality. It is putting the Law of Attraction to work for me.

In the past I’ve clipped images from magazines and pasted them onto a poster board in a collage. (If you’re more artistically gifted than I am, you might draw or paint yours.) The resulting vision board is then placed where I will see it every day.

Here’s a link with a good explanation and some tips on “How to Create an Empowering Vision Board” from Jack Canfield’s website*.

You might also check out examples in Pinterest.

Got my scissors, got my glue stick…let’s do this!


*Per the site, to use this link in my blog, I need to include the following: “Jack Canfield, America’s #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul® and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you’re ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at: www.FreeSuccessStrategies.com.”

Nudged: Buy a lottery ticket

Backstory: I’m thinking over all my “rules” for Nudges, and I’m not sure this is legit. 🙂 Certainly this will be inexpensive and the task can be completed within the one-week time frame. But does it nudge me out of my comfort zone? We’ll see.

What Happened: I am more likely to buy a lottery ticket to slip into a card for a friend than purchase one for myself, so I perhaps that counts as getting out of my comfort zone. Yeah. No. That’s pretty weak. 😉

I put off completing this Nudge till Thursday night, after several packed and challenging days of work. Although it was only a block to the store, afterward I treated myself to a short walk around the neighborhood (yes, in my mask) and took in the sunset, cleared my head a bit.

As I walked, I allowed myself to daydream about how I might spend my BIG WINNINGS! Here are some of the things on my list:

  • “Hire” my sister and my friends so they can each take a year off work to rest or dream or figure out what they want to do with their lives, then do it
  • Gift each of my nieces and nephews and godsons with a travel fund
  • Buy a vacation home in a place that gets a lot of sun
  • Pay off all the bills (and never ever have to worry about bills again)
  • Sock away more than adequate funds for retirement
  • Spend a day (heck, a week) at a spa
  • Sponsor my husband in his triathlon endeavors
  • Upgrade my wardrobe
  • Remodel our home
  • Create an Eden (of our own definition) in our backyard
  • Redecorate my office
  • Join a posh gym (one where the equipment works on a regular basis and the smaller weights don’t go missing)
  • Buy a perfect chair for reading

Earlier this evening I checked the numbers online, and I didn’t get a single one. Well, phooey. But I did receive two checks in the mail for jobs I completed this month, and they both arrived earlier than expected. So I can pay bills this weekend with a little more ease, maybe set a little aside in a fund to one day purchase one of my dream items. I’ll count that as a “win”.

The Ah-Hahs: As I walked and thought, two things crossed my mind. (1) More than any “thing,” what I want is financial security. And (2), I can put my nose to the grindstone and make any of the above dreams (including financial security) my reality. It will mean making choices and sacrifices. It will mean setting intentions and goals and working my butt off.

The same can be said for anything I really really want. I just need to decide what that is…and go for it.