Backstory: “Oh, SURE!”
That’s what I all-but-yelled when I drew this Nudge a few minutes ago. “Take a Mental Health Day.” Take a day off in one of my busiest weeks ever.
I could take one of the four passes. But how ironic is that?
I looked back at my notes on why I included this on The List 3.0. Here’s what I wrote:
“I’ve been my own boss for over two decades. Taking a ‘sick day’ pretty much doesn’t happen, and ‘paid sick days’, well…. I even work weekends once in a while. Also, when I scheduled my COVID booster shot last fall, I found myself looking forward to the time I would ‘get’ to take off to recover. How wrong is that?! I need time to rest and recharge.”
Alright. I accept this Nudge and will give it my best effort.