Backstory: I had to look back at my notes to remind myself why I included this nudge, and I’m sorry to report they aren’t particularly inspiring: “Clear it off or clean it up.” Geez.
But if I’ve learned anything during these past several years of nudging, sometimes the “simplest” challenge reveals a deeper significance. And as I sit here considering what I might do, I think perhaps “I” might be the recipient of some spiffing up this week. Spiritually, emotionally, physically…lots of possibilities there.
As always, make this your own.
What Happened: Moments after I posted this week’s nudge, I grabbed the tube of adhesive caulk that has been sitting on our dining room table (for over a year) and re-grouted the floor of our shower (that has been leaking for well over a year). Nudge done!
Well…maybe not. It seemed too easy. Sure, this task has been on my to-do list for far too long, but I felt there was more I could do. What else has languished on my list? What else is in need of a spiffing up? What else is on my overloaded dining room table?
My eyes landed on the wooden W that fell off the wall and broke (over a year ago). Thinking I could whip through this repair job too, I grabbed the glue and went to work.

Two days and three types of glue later (oy), it was back in its rightful place.

The Ah-Hahs: Notice anything different in the before and after photos? (Besides the obvious split, of course.) Just below the V on the left, there’s now a blue spot. When I applied the third type of glue, the super-strong one that finally held, I didn’t realize it had seeped through to the paper I’d placed beneath it. In the process of drying overnight, this area soaked up the color of the paper.
And you know what? I love it. It reminds me of the Japanese art of Kintsugi, when gold is used to seal cracks or breaks in pottery. The end result leaves the piece more interesting, more beautiful, than before.
As I look at the repaired W, I’m reminded of all the times we have been broken–have failed, been disappointed, taken detours–and how all of those experiences have come together to make us who we are today. I love that every time I pass this, I am reminded that we are resilient and truly beautiful just as we are.
I’d love to hear what you spiffed up this week. Will you share in the Comments?