Tag Archives: use the good stuff

Nudging: Use the good silver x2

PASS #2: My first draw this morning was “Practice scientific prayer”. As I understand this, scientific prayer is praying “as if” you already have what you’re praying for. Instead of “Please heal me!” for example, you say “Thank you for my whole and healthy body!” It’s deeper than just saying the words, as the practice is to get you to the place where you feel the Truth of what you’re praying. This is a great nudge, for sure, but since I’ve recently kept a gratitude journal and practiced other exercises with the Law of Attraction, this feels redundant. So…. Next! 🙂

Backstory: By sheer luck of inheritance, I have two full sets of gorgeous silverware. One set gets brought out for the occasional special occasion. The other set has…ahem…never been used. I’m really not “saving” these precious items, I simply don’t remember to use them.

Until now. Break out the good stuff, people! Let’s use and enjoy what we have!