Tag Archives: jump rope

Nudged: Jump rope

Backstory: This nudge came from the list I made of things I loved doing when I was a kid. What makes the timing perfect is I am completely bored by my exercise options. Great opportunity to mix things up!

If jumping rope is not your thing, pick an activity you loved doing as a kid that you haven’t done in a while (coloring, baking cookies, playing dress-up) or pull out that box of old sports gear and get outside to play!

What Happened: Apocalypse 2020. This is what is happening in my neighborhood today:


I might pull another Nudge from the bowl today. More likely I’ll just take the pass.

Be safe. Keep calm. Wear your mask.

This too shall pass.

Nudging: Jump rope

Backstory: This nudge came from the list I made of things I loved doing when I was a kid. What makes the timing perfect is I am completely bored by my exercise options. Great opportunity to mix things up!

If jumping rope is not your thing, pick an activity you loved doing as a kid that you haven’t done in a while (coloring, baking cookies, playing dress-up) or pull out that box of old sports gear and get outside to play!