Nudging: Visit a new-to-me bookstore

Kathleen WoodsYes, I broke one of my “rules” today. Because tomorrow is a busy holiday, I drew this week’s Nudge a day early. Being flexible and spontaneous is part of the fun, right? For those who celebrate, I wish you a Happy Easter!

Backstory: I love to read, and I love real books: the feel, the weight, the smell. No Kindle (yet) for me, although I occasionally get audio books from the library to listen to in the gym.

I have been known to refer to a great bookshop as “my crack store.” As much as I can, I try to support the neighborhood shop with my personal and gift purchases, but along the way I’ve also collected a list of specialty stores I’ve been meaning to check out. One in particular—a local shop that friends have told me I would love—has been on that list for close to three years. This, then, is my nudge to finally visit it.

P.S. If you’re doing this 52Nudge thing along with me, and there isn’t a new-to-you bookshop you want to check out, think of something that works for you. Maybe you go to your favorite neighborhood shop and this time explore a new section (instead of Fiction, visit Poetry, for example). Or, if music is your thing, check out a record shop (they still exist, don’t they?) and browse Hip-Hop or Classical. The point is to open yourself up to a new experience—and have some fun!

2 thoughts on “Nudging: Visit a new-to-me bookstore

  1. Andrea

    Ooo-la-la Kathleen…you never know where things like this might lead. For me, learning French led to a French Canadian husband, a great job, and two decades in Montreal…and…it seems inevitable…lots of amazing food and wine.

    Learning a new language also seems to force (sometimes painfully) new facets of personality to emerge. Allowing oneself to “die” to one’s old self by attempting to express oneself in another language…the discomfort, (feeling inadequate, silly, stupid, frustrated, etc.) is what commonly stops people from continuting with the experience. Those that can push through this discomfort are greatly rewarded in deep and interesting ways.

    Good for you for giving it a whirl. You’ve got me thinking it’s time to get back to Spanish again. Thanks for the nudge!


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