Category Archives: Nudge

Nudging: Spiff up something

Backstory: I had to look back at my notes to remind myself why I included this nudge, and I’m sorry to report they aren’t particularly inspiring: “Clear it off or clean it up.” Geez.

But if I’ve learned anything during these past several years of nudging, sometimes the “simplest” challenge reveals a deeper significance. And as I sit here considering what I might do, I think perhaps “I” might be the recipient of some spiffing up this week. Spiritually, emotionally, physically…lots of possibilities there.

As always, make this your own.


Nudging: Do one category of Tidying Up

Backstory: Was it mid-2020? I’m not sure, but early in the days of COVID sheltering-in-place, I read Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and made a plan for decluttering our home.

That plan is still in my to-do folder.

Until today! 🙂 I’m pulling it out and picking one category to tackle this week. The sock drawer? (Kondo recommends starting there.) The dog gear? The old photos sucking up memory on my iPhone? Any progress will be good.


Nudging: Buy a bar of my fav chocolate & enjoy it

Backstory: This Nudge is inspired by a nutritionist-recommended deprivation diet I tried in fall 2021. It was a disaster. I was miserable. Nothing tasted good, I got no pleasure from anything. Sure, a few pounds fell away, but I was so unhappy, I knew I had to find a better way.

I did some homework, took a hard look at what I really ate (all around, quite healthy) and how I really exercised, and made a few adjustments. I rethought my portions, changed up my workouts, and…success. Progress toward my goal weight and optimal health has been slow and steady.

So this Nudge feels like a small indulgence, and it is. As it should be.

What will you treat yourself to this week?



Nudging: Take a Sacred Pause x2/day

The Backstory: I wish I could remember which friend introduced me to the concept of “Sacred Pause,” because it’s brilliant. This is my way of taking small steps toward more mindfulness. I suck at meditation, and I’m tired of trying to force myself to do it. I’m not great about scheduling Me Time either. It’s also not the same as my regular prayer time, which is sacred in its own way. All I have to do–twice each day this week–is Stop. Take a deep breath. Close my eyes. Maybe stretch. That’s it.

To keep myself on track, I have written this on my daily schedule so I can check off each one.

Nudging: Create a chalk message/drawing on the sidewalk

Backstory: This is so funny: I was actually thinking about pulling out my basket of chalks a few days ago and making something fun, and now I “have” to do it!

If you’re a long-time Nudger, you know that this Nudge has appeared in every round. It checks all the boxes: cheap, fun, creative, outside my comfort zone (I am so not a visual artist), and it 100% lifts my spirits every time.

The message will go on our front sidewalk, so it will be addressed to our neighbors. However, I am fully aware that I am sending this message to myself. What do I need to hear/read? What do you need?

As always, make this Nudge your own. Maybe use paints, markers, or crayons to make an uplifting sign and hang it in your front window. Maybe create something on Canva and post it on your social media. Have fun with it!

Nudging: Paint sample squares on the office wall

Backstory: My office is in our home, and it’s an incredible space. Big bay window that looks out over our backyard. Mementos of past projects on the walls. A huge pine desk. And now a puppy pen in the corner. For years I’ve wanted to give it a makeover. I want color, I want pizzazz, I want something that represents my best self. I want it to look not just like a spare room that serves as an office, but as a truly beautiful creative space.

To that end, a couple of years ago I picked up sample bottles of paint to try out. This is the week I find them (they’re somewhere in the basement) and paint those squares on the wall so I can live with them and figure out what color I want my walls to be.

Thor and I have done this before. We completely changed the look and feel of our dining and living rooms with color. I also know that this is the gateway to more TLC for our home. Painting the walls is the first step that will eventually lead to nice curtains, a rug without holes, and lighting fixtures that don’t date back to the 1970s.

I’m excited to finally get this project started.

Lots of options for making this Nudge your own. Maybe you pick up some of those paper color swatches and start with that. Or browse online and create a Pinterest gallery for a new couch/reading chair/bathtub. Or fix one small thing in your home that has been on the to-do list for a while. If you need inspiration, check out Apartment Therapy, a site I’ve been following recently for motivation on decluttering.

Pick one small step in the larger project and get it done. Let’s show our homes some TLC this week.

Nudging: Full Pass #1

Dear Nudgers,

You may recall that I allow myself to “Pass” on a Nudge four times during the year. Usually that means I have pulled something I don’t feel like doing at the moment, or the timing isn’t right, or whatever. I don’t really have to have an excuse. I simply put the original Nudge back in the bowl and draw a new one.

Today I am taking advantage of this rule by taking a Full Pass for the week. Everything’s fine. In fact, everything is better than fine. I’m just exhausted because this happened last weekend:

Meet Bear, the newest member of Pack Woods. Bear is sweet, smart, fun, curious, and challenging. Come to think of it, he is kind of a cuddly and furry embodiment of a Nudge.

So while I rest…hahahahaha…I mean while I devote every drop of my time, energy, and attention to taking care of our little* dude, you can do whatever you wish this week. Pull a Nudge of your own and see it through, or take a breather. Listen to your heart, and do what you need and want to do.

I’ll see you back here next Sunday.

With virtual hugs and wet puppy kisses,


*”Little.” LOL! At four months, Bear weighed in at 32 lbs. Who needs the gym? 😉

Nudging: Take a Mental Health Day

Backstory: “Oh, SURE!”

That’s what I all-but-yelled when I drew this Nudge a few minutes ago. “Take a Mental Health Day.” Take a day off in one of my busiest weeks ever.

I could take one of the four passes. But how ironic is that?

I looked back at my notes on why I included this on The List 3.0. Here’s what I wrote:

“I’ve been my own boss for over two decades. Taking a ‘sick day’ pretty much doesn’t happen, and ‘paid sick days’, well…. I even work weekends once in a while. Also, when I scheduled my COVID booster shot last fall, I found myself looking forward to the time I would ‘get’ to take off to recover. How wrong is that?! I need time to rest and recharge.”

Alright. I accept this Nudge and will give it my best effort.


Nudging: Write & mail 5 “Thinking of you” notes

Dear Nudger,

If you have followed 52Nudges for a while, you know that I love sending–and receiving–handwritten notes. So much so, that mid-pandemic, I did a whole series of “Connections” Nudges. When I started creating the 3.0 List, I considered dropping this, because, well, it’s been done.

But then, in September of last year, I discovered a stack of holiday cards from 2020, set aside because I had planned to follow up with those people, call them, send an email, tell them how much I enjoy watching their families grow and appreciate their keeping in touch with me. In there was a sweet note from a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while, a long while. I wish I could tell you I picked up the phone and called her in that moment, but that was not possible, because she had taken her own life in August.

This Nudge is in tribute to her. This week I will reach out to a handful of faraway friends and tell them how much I love them, now, while I can.

It’s been a tough couple of years. We’re busy, we’re worried, we’re overwhelmed. I hope this week’s Nudge will generate a little bit of joy for all of us.

Yours, with deep affection,


P.S. If you’re in a dark place, help is available. Please reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 and

Nudging: Clean out the pantry

Backstory: Gack. I kinda don’t want to know what’s hiding in the dark corners of my pantry. But it’s time to pull everything out, wipe down the shelves, and toss out anything that has expired.

This might be lacking the “fun” element I want most Nudges to have, but this task has been on my decluttering to-do list for years.

If your pantry is ship-shape, accept this Nudge to attack your linen closet, china cabinet, CD collection, or anything else that needs attention.

Here’s my before photo, to keep me honest:

Let’s do this.