Tag Archives: Mental Health Day

Nudged: Take a Mental Health Day

Backstory: “Oh, SURE!”

That’s what I all-but-yelled when I drew this Nudge a few minutes ago. “Take a Mental Health Day.” Take a day off in one of my busiest weeks ever.

I could take one of the four passes. But how ironic is that?

I looked back at my notes on why I included this on The List 3.0. Here’s what I wrote:

“I’ve been my own boss for over two decades. Taking a ‘sick day’ pretty much doesn’t happen, and ‘paid sick days’, well…. I even work weekends once in a while. Also, when I scheduled my COVID booster shot last fall, I found myself looking forward to the time I would ‘get’ to take off to recover. How wrong is that?! I need time to rest and recharge.”

Alright. I accept this Nudge and will give it my best effort.

What Happened: As soon as I finished the Nudging post, I started making a to-do list of what I might do with my Mental Health Day. And then I laughed at myself. Time to get off the treadmill!

Because I had an intensely busy week ahead, I knew I had to be intentional about the day. I chose Friday, knowing I could cram everything else on my schedule into Monday through Thursday and then be able to take full advantage of the Nudge–and not be tempted to cheat.

Ironically, I woke up Monday morning feeling under the weather. WTH?! But I had a big client deadline, so that wasn’t happening. And I didn’t want to work through the morning and take just a half day off. I didn’t feel I would reap the full benefits of the Nudge.

On Tuesday, a client Zoom meeting got postponed at the last minute, but since I was already up and dressed (and in full camera-ready hair and makeup), I took that gift of extra time to tackle things due later in the week.

There were a couple of late nights, but I made it. Friday morning I woke up ready to GO!

Wait. Not that. Well, shoot. This was not the day to catch up on laundry, make and freeze a big batch of soup, pick up the drycleaning, or reply to old emails. I shifted gears and asked myself, What would I want to do if I really didn’t feel well and really needed to take a day off?

I lingered in bed with an inspiring book (Almost Everything by Anne Lamott–highly recommend). I took a long soak in a hot bubble bath (with lavender and epsom salts–divine!). I cuddled up on the couch and enjoyed a favorite feel-good movie (Under the Tuscan Sun–“Lots and lots of ladybugs, Kath!”). I spent a little more time than usual with my daily prayers.

By then it was noon (I know), and I discovered I was bored (I KNOW!). What is wrong with me?!

After a light lunch, I took myself out for a walk. Not my usual multitasking get-some-brisk-exercise-while-listening-to-an-audiobook-and-running-errands kind of walk, but a slow, relaxed, take-in-deep-breaths-and-the-scenery walk. As I walked through one part of my neighborhood, I felt “called” to take a detour and go lie on the grass on an island in a small cul-de-sac. But I resisted. If felt weird. It wasn’t my cul-de-sac, and I worried the residents wouldn’t appreciate my presence.

As I looped back toward home, there that island was again. This time, I didn’t resist. I turned left, plopped myself down on the grass, and was treated to this:

I took in the clarity. I felt and breathed in the breeze. I listened to my heart, and it told me to shut up and enjoy the moment.

The Ah-Hahs: It’s now Saturday morning, and I am pleased to report that I feel incredibly calm and rebalanced. Check this off as one very successful Nudging! Though, I think I might change it from a “Mental Health Day” to a “Spiritual Health Day,” because I feel the benefits in mind and body and spirit. Ahhhhhh.

Nudging: Take a Mental Health Day

Backstory: “Oh, SURE!”

That’s what I all-but-yelled when I drew this Nudge a few minutes ago. “Take a Mental Health Day.” Take a day off in one of my busiest weeks ever.

I could take one of the four passes. But how ironic is that?

I looked back at my notes on why I included this on The List 3.0. Here’s what I wrote:

“I’ve been my own boss for over two decades. Taking a ‘sick day’ pretty much doesn’t happen, and ‘paid sick days’, well…. I even work weekends once in a while. Also, when I scheduled my COVID booster shot last fall, I found myself looking forward to the time I would ‘get’ to take off to recover. How wrong is that?! I need time to rest and recharge.”

Alright. I accept this Nudge and will give it my best effort.