Tag Archives: capturing joy

Nudged: Take 1 photo/day of something that makes me happy

Backstory: I see this campaign, or something like it, on Facebook all the time: Post something that makes you smile! Share the 27th photo on your phone!

Actually, though, it was Carrie at Me & My Quite Contrary Life who inspired me to “capture my joy” for this nudge.

One week, seven photos. Starting with…a perfectly relaxed and civilized breakfast.

What Happened: I almost cheated! How easy it would have been to snap seven quick shots on Sunday and be done with this. But I’m so glad I resisted that temptation, because this nudge (as usual) turned out to be more than a simple task.

Here are my other six, one per day:

Great books.

Scharffenberger dark chocolate. No nuts!

Louie, my cuddle bug.

My beautiful old home (with circa 1928 tiles).

My Thor, my everything.

Healthy plants that feed my body…

…and my soul. These were both gifts from friends, and I think of them whenever I see these plants.

The Ah-Hahs: This nudge was super fun. It totally lifted my spirits this week, and it taught me about noticing and appreciating in the moment. I found myself searching for things that make me happy all week long, and I easily could have posted 100+ photos. I slowed down, I paid attention, I looked at the details.

The bathroom tile came late in the week and kind of blew me away. I love our old house, her character, her strength. We’ve resisted doing any serious remodeling in the bathroom because we don’t want to lose the great tiles. In fact, I love showing it off — even with some of its signs of age — when we have guests, but usually I just point out the pink tiles on the walls, the checkered floor. It wasn’t until I went in close to take the photo for this nudge that I really appreciated the designs within the design. What a gift!

Over the past couple of months I’ve struggled to find joy amidst the challenges. So often I told myself I’d get through it all by looking at the Big Picture. I’m now recognizing how looking at the small picture, appreciating the delightful “little” things in life, can really help too.

Wow. 🙂