Nudging: De-pill a sweater

Backstory: Oh, geez. This must have been added to the list in a moment of frustration, not because I felt it was going to nudge me into any greater awareness or move me closer to finding My Purpose in Life, but simply because I am sick of how things pile up.

Two of my favorite sweaters have been in a box under my desk for…well, at least a year. Next to them is a pile of clothing that needs mending, next to a box of writing exercises and short story ideas, next to a yoga mat (covered in dust)…. How does this happen? This space should be my work space, my creating space. Instead, I look around this room and am eternally distracted.

And so this week, I start small with one task that I hope will make a small difference.

P.S. This week in the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving. More and more the focus of this holiday seems to be on over-eating, over-spending (even with Black Friday discounts), and over-sharing that leads to conflicts with family members. This year I am going to nudge myself to step away from the fray for a few minutes and jot down a list of things I take for granted, and for which I am thankful. You will be on the list. I am grateful that you have joined me on this wild adventure of Nudgings, and I celebrate that we are making our lives better with each small Nudge. Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving!

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