Tag Archives: let something go

Nudged: Let something go

Backstory: A thing? A relationship that has run its course? A limiting belief?

This is a deep nudge. It involves my deciding to fully release something*. Completely. No negotiating. No hanging on.

And trusting. For I believe that when I create space in my life by removing something that isn’t serving me, I open myself up to something better.

*You might add “over to God/Spirit/the Universe” here, if that is part of your faith practice.

What Happened: The inspiration for this nudge came from a note I discovered tucked in an old journal:

“It is Spirit’s responsibility, not mine, to lead me to my highest good. All I have to do is listen and believe.”

“All.” Like it’s that simple!

But…maybe it can be. For what this nudge is asking me to do is let go of my worries, my expectations, and live in the moment, and trust that what is coming is good.

I’ve had a lot to worry about lately. Haven’t we all? And dwelling on the possibly bad outcomes has not helped me one bit.

I thought about what I’ve learned about the Law of Attraction and made the choice this week to actively turn off my “stinkin’ thinkin'”. Instead, I focused on all that is good in my life right now. (It helped that we just did the gratitude journal nudge.)

I won’t claim to be completely worry-free, but this practice lifted my spirits.

And this afternoon I noticed that our lilac tree is again in full bloom. Despite my almost completely ignoring it the rest of the year, this fierce and sweet little tree comes back every spring and delights me with her abundance of beauty.

The view from my office window: Lilacs in bloom.

The Ah-Hahs: Evidence of faith, joy, and resilience is all around us. Sometimes I just need to ignore the noise and notice what I’ve been overlooking: like a beautiful tree that reminds me Abundance is Natural Order.

Nudging: Let something go

Backstory: A thing? A relationship that has run its course? A limiting belief?

This is a deep nudge. It involves my deciding to fully release something*. Completely. No negotiating. No hanging on.

And trusting. For I believe that when I create space in my life by removing something that isn’t serving me, I open myself up to something better.

*You might add “over to God/Spirit/the Universe” here, if that is part of your faith practice.