Tag Archives: lingerie

Nudged: Purge the underwear drawer

Backstory: I’m trying to think when was the last time I purchased new underwear for myself…. Geez, this is embarrassing. Eight years ago? Time to dump out that drawer and see what’s in there (and what needs to go).

This is part of my whole declutting project, in which I choose one small section to review versus trying to dive in and do a major overhaul all in one weekend. My ultimate intention, of course, is to make sure that what I keep is stuff that makes me feel good.

Maybe you’ll choose to tackle a small section of your closet or the stack of (stained, frayed) kitchen towels or that “junk drawer” that has been the catchall for the last 5/10/20 years. Maybe we’ll discover some long-lost treasures! 🙂

What Happened: I pulled out the drawer and dumped everything onto the bed.

underwear drawer

What struck me was all the black and beige. Am I really that boring?

Other than that, the pile wasn’t too bad. Items are in good condition, everything fits (a miracle, when you consider recent COVID comfort eating), and things weren’t crammed in. I have what I need. I threw out one item and added a half slip (When was the last time I wore a half slip…? No idea.) to the Goodwill box. The rest got neatly organized, and the drawer got returned to its regular spot.

But…back to that “boring” bit. What is up with that? I would love to be the woman who has something soft and lovely against her skin. Something lacy. Maybe something racy. Heck, something with color!

Inspired by this nudge and the fact that in the past couple of months I’ve worked my tail off and had a little extra spending money, I hit the internet. OMG, La Perla–gorgeous! Now we’re talking! Except…$500 for a single bra?!  Hahahaha…I’ll come back to that when I win the lottery.

I next hit up some of the online sales and, for a reasonable price, found a lovely set in a pretty pink lace. I placed the order.

The Ah-Has: From now on, I’m going to refer to this as my “Lingerie” drawer. No more practical, basic, blah. I have what I “need”, so moving forward, I’d rather save my money for something special, something that will last, something that makes me feel special.