Tag Archives: nudging

Nudging: Limit my mobile phone time

Backstory: I feel like I just did this Nudge. Oh, wait! That was cutting back on social media. Same thing? Sort of. For me I think this one is about focus, about not letting the phone distract me from the things I want to do. So the plan is to designate times when I can check and return messages, rather than being at its mercy 24/7.

Nudging: Send a handwritten thank you note to a client, boss, or coworker

Backstory: I never had a formal mentor, but I have met several people throughout my career who have taught me by example And while I know I’ve thanked clients for work sent my way (“Thank you for your business!” is written on every invoice), I think it’s time to go a little deeper and truly acknowledge someone for who they are and what they’ve done for me.

As always, do this nudge in a way that works for you. Thank a coworker for her great attitude. Thank the woman who tirelessly coordinates your book club’s meetings or mom group’s get-togethers. Tell a neighbor his garden inspires you to keep trying to coax viable things out of your front yard.

I am a believer in handwritten notes, as they feel more personal to me. But a text message or email will work just fine.

Who do you need to appreciate?

Nudging: Review the Big To Do List

Backstory: I’m getting ready to re-boot my 52Nudges project in the fall, so I’m looking for new Nudges I want to include. Activities that are fun, that nurture my creativity, that feed my spirit, and that…well…just need to get done. If you have been on this journey with me for a while, you also know these tasks need to be things that can be done within one week, that aren’t expensive, and that make me somewhat uncomfortable, thereby nudging me out of old ruts.

So this week I’m pulling up the Big To Do List, a 4-page, 2-columned, constantly growing document that lives on my desktop. Yikes. I’m going to look at all the items I’ve put down over the past year-plus and see what I want to give some extra attention to.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be doing some other exercises to come up with tasks that will go onto my 52Nugdes 2.0 list. I hope you’ll join me in this process as you clarify what you want to put on your list. I’ll be sharing mine, and I hope you’ll share some of yours.

Let’s do this! 🙂