Tag Archives: teacher or coach

52+: Connections–Thank a teacher or coach

A handwritten note feels like the way to go for me on this nudge, though an email, phone call, or message through Facebook may work for you. Whichever method you use to connect this week, this is our chance to say “Thank you!” to a teacher or coach.

This person may be someone from your youth or someone who is actively teaching you now, like a business coach. Or it may be someone who isn’t a professional, but a friend who has taught you about Life. (And if you’re a parent, I encourage you to think about appreciating one of the people who has been going to extraordinary lengths this past year for your child.)

Here are ways we might acknowledge them. “Thank you for…”:

  • teaching me a skill (math, so I can balance my own budget; appreciation for great books; time management; fundamentals)
  • teaching me a life lesson (how to grieve, manage stress, or be a more compassionate friend)
  • serving as a role model
  • parenting me (especially if someone stepped in during a time of need in your life)
  • seeing me (the person who saw something and encouraged you to develop a talent, for example)

I’m excited about this nudge. I have a feeling all the positive energy we’re going to create will have amazing ripple effects. 🙂