Nudged: Accessorize, Baby!

Backstory: This Nudge was inspired by my need to clean out my closet, and by how much fun I had late in 52Nudges 2.0 when I played dress-up for a week. (Revisit that post here.) I also seriously need to break out of my rut of wearing workout clothes all day long. (Thanks again, COVID.)

I know I feel better when I look better, so this is encouragement to pull out the good jewelry, pretty scarves, and fancy shoes.

What Happened: As soon as I drew this Nudge, I knew exactly where I’d start–with this fabulous “Canadian Mountie’s” hat!

It was a gift from a dear friend, something I never would have thought to buy for myself. I had been thinking I needed a special occasion to wear it, an event where I could be appropriately fashionable (because I saw a photo of Sarah Jessica Parker, as Carrie Bradshaw, wearing something similar on the set of And Just Like That), and then I decided “Today” could be my special occasion.

Naturally, I had to put together a whole ensemble to go with it, so out came a sleek turtleneck, a silky scarf, and understated gold earrings (and my mask, of course). I felt, well, fabulous!

Building on the success of day one, I dug deeper into my closet as the week progressed. I pulled out a favorite pencil skirt, something that hasn’t seen much daylight since I last set foot in an actual office, and discovered it still fit–Huzzah! Another day, before heading out to run errands, I paired skinny jeans (not yoga pants) with a fitted jacket and boots–with actual heels.

The Ah-Hahs: It didn’t take a lot of extra effort to spiff myself up, yet I sure noticed changes. I was more aware of my posture, and I carried myself more upright and walked with what felt like more confidence. I didn’t have that little voice in the back of my mind praying “Please don’t let me run into anyone I know at the market, please….” I didn’t want to be invisible, to just get through the day; I was comfortable being seen.

This was a fun kick-off Nudge, and I’m wondering what else in my closet needs to come out to play.

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