Tag Archives: accessorize

Nudged: Accessorize, Baby!

Backstory: This Nudge was inspired by my need to clean out my closet, and by how much fun I had late in 52Nudges 2.0 when I played dress-up for a week. (Revisit that post here.) I also seriously need to break out of my rut of wearing workout clothes all day long. (Thanks again, COVID.)

I know I feel better when I look better, so this is encouragement to pull out the good jewelry, pretty scarves, and fancy shoes.

What Happened: As soon as I drew this Nudge, I knew exactly where I’d start–with this fabulous “Canadian Mountie’s” hat!

It was a gift from a dear friend, something I never would have thought to buy for myself. I had been thinking I needed a special occasion to wear it, an event where I could be appropriately fashionable (because I saw a photo of Sarah Jessica Parker, as Carrie Bradshaw, wearing something similar on the set of And Just Like That), and then I decided “Today” could be my special occasion.

Naturally, I had to put together a whole ensemble to go with it, so out came a sleek turtleneck, a silky scarf, and understated gold earrings (and my mask, of course). I felt, well, fabulous!

Building on the success of day one, I dug deeper into my closet as the week progressed. I pulled out a favorite pencil skirt, something that hasn’t seen much daylight since I last set foot in an actual office, and discovered it still fit–Huzzah! Another day, before heading out to run errands, I paired skinny jeans (not yoga pants) with a fitted jacket and boots–with actual heels.

The Ah-Hahs: It didn’t take a lot of extra effort to spiff myself up, yet I sure noticed changes. I was more aware of my posture, and I carried myself more upright and walked with what felt like more confidence. I didn’t have that little voice in the back of my mind praying “Please don’t let me run into anyone I know at the market, please….” I didn’t want to be invisible, to just get through the day; I was comfortable being seen.

This was a fun kick-off Nudge, and I’m wondering what else in my closet needs to come out to play.

And our first Nudge of 3.0 is…

And our very first Nudge of 52Nudges 3.0 is…

Accessorize, Baby! 

Let’s dive right in.

Backstory: This Nudge was inspired by my need to clean out my closet, and by how much fun I had late in 52Nudges 2.0 when I played dress-up for a week. (Revisit that post here.) I also seriously need to break out of my rut of wearing workout clothes all day long. (Thanks again, COVID.)

I know I feel better when I look better, so this is encouragement to pull out the good jewelry, pretty scarves, and fancy shoes.