Tag Archives: self care

Nudged: Give myself a home facial

Backstory: This Nudge hits on two themes: self-care and household decluttering. I wish I could go out for a professional facial, but I’m still not comfortable being in enclosed spaces. (Darn COVID.) But that’s no excuse to pass up a chance for some pampering. Besides, I know there’s a treasure trove of potions and creams and stuff hiding in the bottom drawer of my bathroom cabinet. Time to dig something out and put it to use!

Note: Like with all Nudges, you can follow along with mine or do your own thing. Maybe you can splurge for a mani-pedi at your favorite spa—go for it! Maybe you got a fancy gift set of bath bubbles for the holidays—break it out! Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good.

What happened: The directions weren’t specific as to the time—just “Let dry and rinse with warm water”—so I figured I had about 10 minutes. Immediately after I applied the mask and washed the residue off my hands, I started looking for a way to multi-task. I could sort laundry, put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, make the bed, check emails, glance at headlines….Whoa.


A better choice, I realized, was to sit my butt down and relax for those 10 minutes. Close my eyes, breathe. It was hard, but I did it.

Ah-Hahs: I love how Nudges surprise me, how what I expect to experience goes out the window. I thought this one would be a simple act of self-care. Instead, it was hard for me to do, which was a little disappointing. I did my best, but will admit I was fidgeting and distracted. Which makes me think maybe I need to give myself facials more frequently, for the health of my skin and my soul.

I wish you a happy, healthy, and fun new year! xoKathleen

Nudging: Give myself a home facial

Backstory: This Nudge hits on two themes: self-care and household decluttering. I wish I could go out for a professional facial, but I’m still not comfortable being in enclosed spaces. (Darn COVID.) But that’s no excuse to pass up a chance for some pampering. Besides, I know there’s a treasure trove of potions and creams and stuff hiding in the bottom drawer of my bathroom cabinet. Time to dig something out and put it to use!

Note: Like with all Nudges, you can follow along with mine or do your own thing. Maybe you can splurge for a mani-pedi at your favorite spa—go for it! Maybe you got a fancy gift set of bath bubbles for the holidays—break it out! Treat yourself to something that makes you feel good.

Nudging: Eliminate (or delegate) a big responsibility

Backstory: I groaned when I read this Nudge, and I almost put it back for my first Pass. This nudge presents at the start of one of the busiest work weeks for me—oh, plus Christmas. Everything on my massive to-do list is a “MUST-DO”, and at a quick glance, everything in there can only be done by me.


My intention to practice more Radical Self-Care is behind this Nudge. When I added it to the List, I set the intention that I would be on the lookout for tasks that suck my time and energy, things I overdo or overthink that ultimately aren’t healthy. I’m not going to drop the ball on taking care of my family, meeting all the tight client deadlines, making sure bills get paid on time, and carve out time for exercise and sleep. At this moment, I honestly don’t know what could be eliminated or delegated, but I am accepting this Nudge and trusting something will come to mind.

Nudged: Accessorize, Baby!

Backstory: This Nudge was inspired by my need to clean out my closet, and by how much fun I had late in 52Nudges 2.0 when I played dress-up for a week. (Revisit that post here.) I also seriously need to break out of my rut of wearing workout clothes all day long. (Thanks again, COVID.)

I know I feel better when I look better, so this is encouragement to pull out the good jewelry, pretty scarves, and fancy shoes.

What Happened: As soon as I drew this Nudge, I knew exactly where I’d start–with this fabulous “Canadian Mountie’s” hat!

It was a gift from a dear friend, something I never would have thought to buy for myself. I had been thinking I needed a special occasion to wear it, an event where I could be appropriately fashionable (because I saw a photo of Sarah Jessica Parker, as Carrie Bradshaw, wearing something similar on the set of And Just Like That), and then I decided “Today” could be my special occasion.

Naturally, I had to put together a whole ensemble to go with it, so out came a sleek turtleneck, a silky scarf, and understated gold earrings (and my mask, of course). I felt, well, fabulous!

Building on the success of day one, I dug deeper into my closet as the week progressed. I pulled out a favorite pencil skirt, something that hasn’t seen much daylight since I last set foot in an actual office, and discovered it still fit–Huzzah! Another day, before heading out to run errands, I paired skinny jeans (not yoga pants) with a fitted jacket and boots–with actual heels.

The Ah-Hahs: It didn’t take a lot of extra effort to spiff myself up, yet I sure noticed changes. I was more aware of my posture, and I carried myself more upright and walked with what felt like more confidence. I didn’t have that little voice in the back of my mind praying “Please don’t let me run into anyone I know at the market, please….” I didn’t want to be invisible, to just get through the day; I was comfortable being seen.

This was a fun kick-off Nudge, and I’m wondering what else in my closet needs to come out to play.

Am I tired, burned out, or…?

As I prepared for a minor medical procedure (I’m fine, by the way), I scrambled to get all my work done ahead of time so I could take a couple of days off to recover. I finally had an “excuse” to take a break from my 24/7 schedule (because there’s client work + my work + household and family care), and I found myself looking forward to the downtime—to rest, to watch chick flicks, to read a book purely for my own pleasure.

What is wrong with me?! Why do I have to have something happen that lays me flat, that forces me to be still, to finally take some time for myself?

I’ve been recognizing this pattern a lot lately and acknowledging that I am Burned Out. Then this article came out, and I think there’s more to it.


“What is High-Functioning Anxiety?” writer Dominique Michelle Astorino asks. It features:

  • Overthinking
  • People-pleasing
  • Inability to slow down
  • Fear of failure
  • Overplanning
  • Poor boundaries


What are the symptoms? They include:

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Worry
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Feeling depleted

Check check check…. Dangit!

All of this supports and motivates my decision to include some Radical Self-Care in my List of upcoming 52Nudges. In addition to adding some pampering (I can’t even remember the last time I treated myself to nice body lotion), I’ll be adding things like “Reevaluate a long-term friendship” and “Say ‘No’ without giving an explanation”.

I welcome your suggestions. What Radical Self-Care practices have you done that worked for you in the past? What are some acts of self-kindness you would like to do (but have been putting off)? Please share with me—with all of us—in Comments.

Need help putting together your List? Check out the 52Nudges Workbook for exercises, tips, and inspiration. You’ll find everything you need to get ready for the 3.0 launch on December 12.



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Nudged: Splurge on something for me

Backstory: When I pulled out this nudge this morning, my first thought was CHOCOLATE CAKE! 🙂 That’s really not what I want for myself, for I know I won’t feel great after a slice (and certainly not after a whole cake).

My original intent for this nudge was to break one of my “rules” and get something that’s way outside of my comfort zone. Something extravagant. Something expensive. (And that’s where I’d be breaking the rule.) But I included in my notes that if finances weren’t up to the challenge (and they’re not), then I would get creative.

So maybe this is the week I give myself a home spa day. Or maybe I buy just one chocolate truffle from the fancy chocolate shop I’ve been meaning to visit and really savor it. Or maybe I see if that beautiful lingerie shop is having a sale and I can find something silky and lovely without blowing all of the grocery money.

The point is to give a special gift to a special person: me.

How might you treat yourself this week?

What Happened: I gave myself a $10 limit. That’s what my budget would allow, and I certainly came up with other “needs” for it, but I felt this was important to do for myself.

So…did I want a thing? Or did I want an experience? Did I want something I’d consume, or something built to last? I considered a bunch of options, and kept coming back to one: I love having fresh flowers in my home. On my nightstand and dresser, on my desk.

Since this was a splurge, I talked myself out of the more practical (and long-lasting) carnations and hydrangeas and went for one of my favorites:

Feminine, elegant, lovely. (And within the budget.)

I smile when I see them.

Nudge accomplished.

The Ah-Hahs: The tricky part for me was having to talk myself out of spending the money on other things we needed. There’s always a bill to be paid or a gift to be purchased or a donation to be made. You know what, every so often it’s good and right to appreciate myself with something beautiful.

Nudging: Splurge on something for me

Backstory: When I pulled out this nudge this morning, my first thought was CHOCOLATE CAKE! 🙂 That’s really not what I want for myself, for I know I won’t feel great after a slice (and certainly not after a whole cake).

My original intent for this nudge was to break one of my “rules” and get something that’s way outside of my comfort zone. Something extravagant. Something expensive. (And that’s where I’d be breaking the rule.) But I included in my notes that if finances weren’t up to the challenge (and they’re not), then I would get creative.

So maybe this is the week I give myself a home spa day. Or maybe I buy just one chocolate truffle from the fancy chocolate shop I’ve been meaning to visit and really savor it. Or maybe I see if that beautiful lingerie shop is having a sale and I can find something silky and lovely without blowing all of the grocery money.

The point is to give a special gift to a special person: me.

How might you treat yourself this week?

P.S. Hey, Valentine’s Day is this Friday! I hope you do take this opportunity to shower yourself with love and appreciation. xoxo


Nudged: Take a hard look at calendar, carve out time for me

Backstory: It’s the age-old story of women, isn’t it? We give all our time and energy to taking care of others at jobs and at home, to family members and friends and even strangers. “Me Time” still has a tinge of selfishness to it.

I don’t know about you, but I’m an expert at doing this until my well is completely empty. Then I finally take “me” time when I get run down and sick.

This week’s nudge is designed to change that dynamic. What can I give up? When can I designate time for my projects, my passions?

What Happened: Procrastination. Classic, right? I was busy this week, so this nudge stayed on my to do list, but never made it to the top of the priorities.

Finally, early this morning, I chose to ignore the list of jobs, tasks, followups, emails, calls, etc., that called for my attention and took a long, hot, quiet bath. It felt like a much-needed reboot.

I had an off-site meeting, and when I returned to my desk, instead of jumping right in to the fray, I opened my calendar. It’s still early in the year, so there’s a lot of open space. Why not “schedule” “appointments” with myself? If I had doctor appointments, they’d go down in ink. If I had a client event, same. I pulled out my highlighter and blocked out time.

The Ah-Hahs: Will I keep these commitments to myself? Will I hold this time as sacred? I can’t say for sure, but I’m going to try. I picked Fridays as my time, and then, to further motivate myself, I made a list of things I might do that feed my soul. This includes getting back to my French textbooks and flashcards, giving myself mani-pedis, meeting friends for a walk in the park or a long chat over coffee, spending some time writing letters and working on craft projects, journaling, and more hot baths. It might also include work, but work that is personal, that I do for my own pleasure, not for someone else’s advancement. If I can devote even one hour a week to feeding myself, it will be an improvement.

Can you book some time for just you this coming week? I hope you do.

Nudging: Take a hard look at calendar, carve out time for me

Backstory: It’s the age-old story of women, isn’t it? We give all our time and energy to taking care of others at jobs and at home, to family members and friends and even strangers. “Me Time” still has a tinge of selfishness to it.

I don’t know about you, but I’m an expert at doing this until my well is completely empty. Then I finally take “me” time when I get run down and sick.

This week’s nudge is designed to change that dynamic. What can I give up? When can I designate time for my projects, my passions?

Nudged: Use the good body lotion

Backstory: It’s the expensive stuff, or the special stuff, or the stuff I received as a gift and am saving for…well, I don’t know what.

Although part of this nudge is about decluttering, I think it’s mostly about self-caring. If not with the good body lotion, maybe it’s the soothing bath bubbles or the beautifully scented candle. Or maybe it’s that fancy hand creme that’s been living at the bottom of my purse for ages. I’m going to pull out something nice and put it to use.

How will you treat yourself this week?

What Happened: Like so many other “small” and “simple” Nudges, this turned into something more. I love when that happens. 🙂

Turns out I don’t have a lot of good stuff still lurking in the cupboards. Which is kind of a good thing (because I’ve used them) and kind of not (because that means I’m haven’t been replenishing the stores and treating myself as well as I should). So it was an easy choice to pick up this lovely lavender hand & body lotion–just $4.99+tax at Trader Joe’s–while doing my start-of-the-week grocery shopping:

What happened next came as a sweet surprise. In the mornings throughout the week, I didn’t just go through the motions of pulling myself together for the day. I actually took a little time and dedicated some awareness as I rubbed the lotion on my body and gave thanks for each part:

  • To my hands, thank you for making it possible for me to express myself through writing.
  • To my arms, thank you for how you embrace and care for so many people.
  • To my belly, my core, thank you for keeping me strong.
  • To my legs, thank you for propelling me forward.
  • To my feet, thank you for holding me up through all of life’s joys and challenges.

The Ah-Hahs: These blessings, which added less than a minute to my morning routine, felt quite profound. All this week, I noticed things I’ve taken for granted, and I stopped to breathe and give thanks.