Tag Archives: gratitude

Nudged: Make a pie or tart

Backstory: The full Nudge I created for myself reads:

“Surprise Thor with a pie or tart”

I couldn’t have picked a better Nudge at this time. If you’ve been following this blog, you know that today marks my return to nudging after “The Appendix Adventure.” I am happy to report that I finally–finally, after two months–feel good again. Not quite 100%, but figuring out what that means for me and getting there.

It’s so appropriate that this week I will do something special to thank my darling husband for his support and devotion these past couple of months (and always, really) with one of his favorite treats.

If you have someone special you’d like to thank, consider surprising them with a treat — homemade or store-bought. Or maybe this is a Nudge to treat yourself to something yummy. Have fun with it!

What Happened: I love how baking is a combination of science and art. Flour, sugar, cherries, butter…voilà!

Almost ready for the oven.

I don’t know why I don’t do this more often. It took little time, the ingredients were cheap, and it was fun! What is it about rolling out dough that is sooooo satisfying?

The best part was seeing Thor’s smile when he walked into the kitchen at the end of a long day and discovered his surprise, which made me happy. Nudge accomplished.

The Ah-Hahs: No Big Life Lessons here, just a reminder of how good it feels to mix together a few humble ingredients and create something beautiful.

Nudging: Make a pie or tart

Backstory: The full Nudge I created for myself reads:

“Surprise Thor with a pie or tart”

I couldn’t have picked a better Nudge at this time. If you’ve been following this blog, you know that today marks my return to nudging after “The Appendix Adventure.” I am happy to report that I finally–finally, after two months–feel good again. Not quite 100%, but figuring out what that means for me and getting there.

It’s so appropriate that this week I will do something special to thank my darling husband for his support and devotion these past couple of months (and always, really) with one of his favorite treats.

If you have someone special you’d like to thank, consider surprising them with a treat — homemade or store-bought. Or maybe this is a Nudge to treat yourself to something yummy. Have fun with it!

P.S. And while I’ve been out, my team has continued to work on the new (and so much prettier) 52Nudges website. We will be launching it soon!

Nudged: Keep a gratitude journal for 7 days x10

Backstory: “Keep a gratitude journal” is on like every list of things to do when you’re feeling down. Most of the time I’ve seen instructions to note three things every day, so I decided to up the challenge to 10. I can find that many things to be grateful for, right?

Since this is for seven days I’m starting now:

  1. our convertible
  2. Thor (my darling husband)
  3. money in the bank
  4. letters from friends
  5. scarves
  6. living near the beach/Pacific Ocean
  7. ’80s tunes
  8. Louie (my darling dog)
  9. avocados
  10. tator tots

What can you celebrate today?

What Happened: I tried this different ways, sometimes starting my day with my list, sometimes wrapping up the day in reflection. A couple of days I couldn’t come up with all 10 at once, so I added as things came to me. Did that yesterday, then realized this morning I had forgotten to finish, so I had to come up with a few extras. I’m pleased to report, it wasn’t hard.

Early in the week I noted things close to home (my favorite green pen, where I get to live). On Thursday I noted the blessings of having courage, humor, empathy, and creativity. Croissants, a sunny day, and just being able to get out of bed (not everyone is lucky) all made my lists.

The Ah-Hahs: As I reviewed my lists this morning, what struck me is the abundance of extraordinary relationships. Both individuals and groups of friends are included. These are the people who support, challenge, encourage, uplift, and pray with and for me. They share sorrows (theirs and mine) and make me laugh just when I need it most.

I suppose I take this for granted sometimes, and this nudge has me rethinking how I will spend my time and energy moving forward. Because upon taking this survey, I am reminded that I am a truly fortunate woman, a wealthy woman in terms of friends. And I am so grateful.

Nudging: Keep a gratitude journal for 7 days x10

FIRST PASS: Back when I started this, I included a rule that allows me to “pass” four times during the 52-week session. This is the first time I’ve invoked it. The nudge I originally drew: Sit (and sweat) in a sauna. Yeah. So not going to happen. Even if the gym wasn’t closed till April 7, I can’t imagine wanting to sit in a warm damp room with a swirl of germs going around. So…moving on.

Meanwhile, I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. Stay calm and wash your hands! xoxo

Backstory: “Keep a gratitude journal” is on like every list of things to do when you’re feeling down. Most of the time I’ve seen instructions to note three things every day, so I decided to up the challenge to 10. I can find that many things to be grateful for, right?

With the virus and the shelter-in-place order here, this seems like the perfect time to count my blessings. Since this is for seven days, I’m starting now:

  1. our convertible
  2. Thor (my darling husband)
  3. money in the bank
  4. letters from friends
  5. scarves
  6. living near the beach/Pacific Ocean
  7. ’80s tunes
  8. Louie (my darling dog)
  9. avocados
  10. tator tots

What can you celebrate today?

Nudging: Thank a writer, artist, or musician

Backstory: I’ve been doing this for a while, reaching out to writers I love and thanking them for sharing their stories, their gifts with me. What’s been really fun is every single one of the people I wrote to–even people with big names and intimidating presences–replied to thank me for writing to them! I know what it’s like to be a lone woman with a computer, who works hard to create something beautiful and hopes–but rarely finds out–if her work has made any kind of difference. It feels good to feel appreciated.

But this nudge not about hoping to get something back. It’s simple gratitude. What was my favorite read of the year? I can look up the author’s website (or maybe find them on goodreads) and send a quick note via email. Which band’s CD has lifted my spirits during long commutes? Did I see some art recently that blew my mind?

Acknowledge. Appreciate. Celebrate! And bonus points to anyone who sends a handwritten note. 🙂

Nudged: Find my mojo

Backstory: This Nudge didn’t come from the bowl. This is one I dropped in because I’m struggling today. Maybe it’s the post-holidays blues. Maybe it’s the cold and gloominess of the season. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real affliction, in case you didn’t know. Maybe it’s the ongoing frustration of not having a clear path, a clear purpose.

I’m not sure what’s up (or down) with me right now, but I feel the need to find something to get me up in the mornings. Something other than piles of laundry that need to be addressed or bills that need to be paid. I am dragging through my days, so much so that yesterday, as I lay in bed dreading my day (and it was a Saturday!), I had a small fantasy about pulling everything off the top of my desk and burning it in the fireplace. Yes, I know that wouldn’t really solve any problems—likely make some worse—but the idea of having a clean start is appealing.

Where is my magic? What happened to my mojo? I need to find it and put it back to work.

P.S. I did check in with myself and know it isn’t chronic depression, lack of sleep, or illness causing my malaise. If your blue mood is lasting longer than is okay, please schedule a checkup with your doctor or reach out to someone for help. xo

What Happened: I started by looking up the definition of “mojo”, and this is some of what I found:

“a quality or some ability that brings good luck or helps you be good at something”

“personal confidence and charisma”

“self-confidence, self-assuredness”

“belief in one’s self”

“a good luck charm to bolster confidence”

“the ability to bounce back from a debilitating trauma or negative attitude”

“magical power”

(Sources: Urban Dictionary, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary)

This helped me clarify that I am not looking for a thing—a charm or amulet—that will provide me with power, I’m looking for actions that will rekindle the magical power I have inside me, a power that seems to have gone temporarily dormant.

Over the week I set aside some quiet time to think about what makes me feel good, makes me feel energized and calm and happy and me. Here are some of the things that came up:

  • pulling myself together (if I dress better, I feel better)
  • knowing there’s money in the bank (catching up and staying current with accounting)
  • clearing space in my office (and subsequently clearing my head)
  • writing personal letters to family and friends (and, as a result, reading their replies)
  • doing something crafty (on my to do list is sewing cheery curtains for the kitchen and pulling out the cross-stitching box)
  • cooking and baking
  • playing with Thor (my darling husband), especially when we do slightly crazy touristy things
  • a tidy house
  • talking walks (for exercise and meditation)
  • get-togethers with friends (especially one-on-one or in small, intimate groups)
  • watching a really great movie
  • getting lost in a really great book

I then took one step, sort of a new year’s thing, but really exactly the Nudge I needed this week: I cracked open a new notebook and started a gratitude journal. I know this to be such a great tool, but haven’t used it for a while. Now is the perfect time to remind myself—with just three items a day—of how much I have to be thankful for, even on those days when it feels like a stretch. A few of the items on this week’s page:

  • cozy new PJs
  • the trusty, hard-working space heater in my office
  • Thor, my funny, affectionate, appreciative, generous life partner
  • good dark chocolate
  • my loyal Louie (the dog)
  • fresh raspberries
  • the fabulous women of my book club
  • this whole crazy 52Nudges adventure

Ah-Hahs: You know what those actions on my list above are, right? Nudges. I wrote a bunch on strips of paper and added them to the bowl. I believe taking these small steps over time will help me find my mojo and continue to nurture it.

P.S. Just before the Christmas, a friend shared a list of “20 Ways to Be Kind (without spending a dime)”, ideas of actions that could be given instead of purchased things. Take a look and see if any of these inspire you for new additions to your Nudges:

  1. send a handwritten note
  2. recreate a special day
  3. listen without distractions
  4. include someone new
  5. smile more
  6. look for common ground
  7. assume the best in everyone
  8. share your prayers (If someone asks for prayer support, respond with a text or note what you said in your actual prayer.)
  9. affirm someone
  10. apologize early and often
  11. be clear (but polite)
  12. be kind to yourself
  13. lend a hand
  14. pay it forward…for free!
  15. offer to babysit
  16. donate used clothing
  17. curb the road rage
  18. give your time
  19. let people know they matter (Learn the name of the guy who makes your coffee, the waiter at your favorite restaurant, the crossing guard.)
  20. share the wisdom you’ve learned