Tag Archives: things I loved doing as a kid

Nudging: Jump rope

Backstory: This nudge came from the list I made of things I loved doing when I was a kid. What makes the timing perfect is I am completely bored by my exercise options. Great opportunity to mix things up!

If jumping rope is not your thing, pick an activity you loved doing as a kid that you haven’t done in a while (coloring, baking cookies, playing dress-up) or pull out that box of old sports gear and get outside to play!

Nudged: Bake cookies

Backstory: This nudge came from some brainstorming I did as I thought about what to include on The List. I devoted some time to recall “Things I loved doing when I was a kid.” I loved baking! I loved being creative in the kitchen! In elementary school, my best pal (Hi, Krista!) and I did a lot of experimenting and even had our own sort of “signature” chocolate chip cookie recipe.

So this is my nudge to get back to doing things that feed my soul. The “uncomfortable” part? Well, I don’t really like eating most baked goods. (I know, crazy.) I’ll give them a taste, then I’ll give the rest away in care packages. Feels like a win-win!

As always, you can do this week’s nudge with me or pick something that speaks to you. What did you love doing when you were eight years old? Here’s your excuse to do it again.

What Happened: I chose a new-to-me recipe–for apple+raisin+oatmeal cookies–and tried it out. They were…meh. About as exciting as they look:

But I enjoyed the experience, and that’s what counts!

After I delivered care packages to a few neighbors (with promises to share samples of my next experiment–I hope it’s better!), I sat down and looked through the rest of that particular recipe book. I’ve had it since the mid-1990s! There were notations of hits and misses, suggestions for future improvements, and tags on recipes to try. I got kind of a tingly feeling as I flipped through. Anticipation, excitement. I marked a couple of other recipes I want to try and some I want to revisit, and I’m thinking maybe I’ll work my way through the rest of this book over the next few weeks. I’ll make copies of the recipes I want to keep, then share the book with someone else. Baking, creativity, care packages, decluttering. Fun!

The Ah-Hahs: I’ve noticed recently that baking/cooking is a theme in my life. Many of the TV shows I watch are either competitions or lessons. I love novels that include recipes. Even when I go to the movies, I like scenes about preparing and sharing meals. When I watch period movies or documentaries or take tours of historic homes, the rooms I most want to study are the kitchen and dining room. I don’t think I need to unpack this much further. Ever since I was little, baking has made me happy.

Baking + creativity + care packages + decluttering = FUN!

Nudged: Create a chalk message

Background: This Nudge is one of my favorites. I did it during my first round, and it was so much fun, I’m doing it again. (Also, I need to keep nudging myself until I just do it without prompting.)

The actual backstory is this is one of those activities that came out of my explorations of “Things I loved doing when I was a kid.” What made you smile when you had no limitations (as in, “you can’t draw…you’re not artisitic…”)? What tickled your creative muse? What did you get lost in? What activity simply filled you with joy?

This is the week to do it. 🙂

What Happened: Took a couple of days to think about what I wanted to write/draw. Finally, Wednesday morning, I grabbed my basket of colored chalks and wrote a love letter of sorts on my driveway.

I am no great artist, and I have no aspirations of painting/drawing anything legit. This, for me, is just fun. (And we all need need more fun in our lives.)


The Ah-Hahs: I know, this is all so silly, but it isn’t. Every time I came home and left, or just looked out the window, I smiled.

Mission accomplished.


P.S. After I post this, I’m heading out to join friends in greeting trick-or-treaters. I love love LOVE Halloween! It’s always been my favorite holiday (yes, more than Christmas), because it’s the one day when slightly weird creative kids (like me) shine. Can’t wait to see what this generation of ghouls has come up with.

Tonight also marks a tender milestone. Today was the last day at work for several of my long-time colleagues. At 5:30, I will be pouring some bubbly and toasting them, us, the great work we did together over the past 20 years. A big door is closing tonight, and I trust portals to fabulous new adventures will be opening for all of us soon. Cheers, my friends!